An Antidote to Sure Doom
1/8/20251 min read
An Antidote to "Sure Doom"
I like to know what I'm talking about, and to assert my ideas. I can convince myself of sureness. And yet, I delude myself by being sure of conclusions based on partial data. All of us who keep up with "the latest" are living in a world dominated by virtual alarm bells. Influencers and news-makers know that our attention is magnetized to bad news and threats. So, the things we pay attention to are the disaster stories and predictions. And the many things that are also there, that might be reassuring, recede into the background.
Albert Einstein reminds us:
“We still do not know one-thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.”
When we are frightened, it's natural to look around for something to hang on to, something solid, something we can be sure of. So we convince ourselves of predictions that are based on partial knowing. Here's a practice to shift that sureness to what is actually true: uncertainty.
Practice to Counter "Doom Thinking"
Once a day, catch yourself feeling alarm, indignation, or self-righteousness about some circumstance or situation that concerns you.
When you notice this, then also notice sensations in your body that go along with this feeling -- notice your jaw, your posture, your tone of voice.
What are you "sure of" related to this feeling?
Then take a deep breath and shift your posture so that you more fully lean into what is supporting you right now... (eg floor, chair, heating and cooling system, building around. you, city infrastructure, trees and sunlight, etc)
remember that. you are a small part of a miraculous creation, most not of your doing. Remember how much of life is actually mysterious to you.
Now, what are you sure of?
Welcoming uncertainty is a core competency to growing Hope beyond Hope. If you are in the helping professions, join me for an upcoming gathering to stoke Hope in yourself, and in the people you work with.